Introducing the L1X NFT Launchpad and Marketplace: A Milestone in Layer One X's Evolution

The First Native L1X NFT Marketplace is now Live, in partnership with Shufl Labs.

We are thrilled to announce the beta launch of the first native NFT Launchpad and Marketplace on the Layer One X (L1X) blockchain, developed in partnership with Shufl Labs.

This groundbreaking event marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the L1X ecosystem, as these platforms are the first third-party applications to be released on the chain. With the debut of these tools, artists, creators, and collectors now have unprecedented access to the world of NFTs, all within the innovative and secure environment that L1X provides.

The L1X NFT Launchpad: Empowering Creators with Permissionless Minting

The L1X NFT Launchpad is designed as a permissionless minting tool that empowers creators to easily deploy their NFT collections on the L1X blockchain. Whether you're an established artist or a newcomer to the world of digital assets, our no-code solution ensures that you can bring your creations to life without the need for technical expertise.

 Key Features of the Launchpad:

  • User-Friendly Interface: The launchpad offers a straightforward, intuitive interface, making it accessible to all creators, regardless of their technical background.
  • No-Code Solution: Creators can deploy NFT collections without writing a single line of code, simplifying the process of bringing digital art to the blockchain.
  • Discounted WL Prices: During the creation of a collection, creators can offer discounted whitelist (WL) prices to specific wallet addresses, providing early supporters with exclusive benefits.
  • Real-Time Minting Updates: Once a collection contract is deployed, it becomes immediately available for minting via the launchpad. Users can track the minting progress in real-time, watching as collectors claim NFTs.

Cost-Effective Minting:

One of the standout features of the Launchpad is its cost-effectiveness. Creating and deploying a collection costs less than $1, making it one of the most affordable options in the NFT space.

Getting Started with the Launchpad:

To help users navigate the process of creating and launching their collections, we have produced a comprehensive video guide. This tutorial walks through each step of the process, ensuring that even those new to NFTs can successfully launch their collections. 

The L1X NFT Marketplace: Trade, Explore, and Manage Your Digital Assets

Once a collection has been launched, the L1X NFT Marketplace serves as the central hub for trading, exploring, and managing NFTs on the L1X blockchain. More than just a marketplace, the platform also functions as an NFT wallet and explorer, offering a holistic experience for collectors.

Key Features of the Marketplace:

  • Creator Royalties: To ensure that creators continue to be rewarded for their work, all collections minted via our smart contracts will feature a standard 5% creator royalty fee on secondary sales. This ongoing revenue stream incentivises creators to continue contributing to the L1X ecosystem.
  • Platform Fees: A standard platform fee of 3% applies to all primary and secondary sales conducted via the marketplace. This fee supports the continued development and enhancement of the platform, ensuring a robust and reliable experience for all users.
  • Integrated Wallet Functionality: By connecting an L1X wallet to the marketplace, users can view their NFT holdings directly within the platform. NFTs can be easily transferred to other addresses or listed for sale, providing full control over your digital assets.
  • Seamless Trading Experience: The marketplace is designed to offer a smooth and efficient trading experience, with real-time updates on listings and sales, allowing users to stay on top of market movements.

Celebrating the Launch with punkX NFTs

To commemorate this historic launch, Shufl_App has released a limited edition of punkX NFTs, the very first collection on the L1X blockchain. This collection pays homage to the iconic CryptoPunks, widely regarded as one of the most influential NFT collections of all time.

punkX Collection Highlights:

  • Limited Supply: The punkX collection consists of 1,111 unique NFTs, each representing a piece of digital history on the L1X blockchain.
  • Rapid Sell-Out: The entire collection was minted out in less than 24 hours, demonstrating the excitement and enthusiasm within the L1X community.
  • Affordable Pricing: Whitelist (WL) wallets were able to mint punkX NFTs at a discounted price of 50 L1X, while the public mint was priced at 300 L1X.

Looking Ahead: Continuous Evolution of the Platform

As we move forward, the L1X NFT Launchpad and Marketplace will continue to evolve, with numerous updates planned in the coming weeks and months. Our commitment is to expand the features available to both creators and collectors, ensuring that the L1X ecosystem remains at the forefront of the NFT space.

We invite you to explore the L1X Marketplace and Launchpad and be a part of this exciting journey as we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what's possible on the L1X blockchain.

Explore the Platforms:

Stay tuned for more updates and features as we continue to build and expand the capabilities of the L1X NFT Launchpad and Marketplace on Layer One X. Together, we are shaping the future of digital art and collectibles on the blockchain.

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