L1X Mint and Win: Phase 2

Join the Mint & Win Phase 2. Voting via transaction. Vote for the Top 3 Projects that deserve to be selected for Phase 3.

It has been a month of art and creativity, and we've seen incredible projects bring breathtaking pieces of art to the L1X Ecosystem.

Now, it's time to put your money where your mouth is. Here are the top 10 projects with the most votes. It's up to you to decide which will be the top 3 most-voted projects.

Voting is now open and will close at June 8, 2024 8:00 AM All votes contributed after this will be invalid.

Leaderboard is updated every 24 hours

Meet the Top 10 finalists

#1. Drunk Donkey Fiesta

XWallet Address: 0x2b6ce480cefb7250a33f0c0c768bbfc203d29da3

#2. BeardX

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0x877e5aa54fc6793be17cf79aeb9417ce50bd4520

#3. L1X Girls

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0x764ae970f2048ebb02b0300f3e3f07b934c23730

#4. HonX

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0x58eb8522791896d8e6fda5a27ae35a4bf8dfce29

#5. Crypto Cats

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0xbd9cf227e37483208efe6bf9fab0eb50edb30963

#6. Bronakium

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0xde9e477a408189b48ebb4c1e4aa2c15d9a84574f

#7. Purple Bubble Coin

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0xbb35714e7f25f74a0def34e791f299f5e7583849

#8. Biscuit the cat

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0xd4198d15d3cb974643966ff16d14ce4efb93534a

#9. Tabby NFTs

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0x7330700cb5c2f73a2f49f9fac032de673b5a42b1

#10. General Starloard

upload in progress, 0
XWallet Address: 0x0177440e6091e9c743908a784f75a7ec05e21334

How to Cast Your Vote

  1. Discover Your Favorite Project
    1. Check out the top 10 projects above.
  2. Send 1 L1X Coin
    1. Open the XWallet chrome extension
    2. Select L1X as your Coin.
    3. Paste the unique wallet address of your favourite entry
    4. Input 1 L1X for the amount
    5. Press Send - Your vote will be immediately verifiable at the receiving address
You can use the Explorer to check the transactions.

Good Luck to All Participants!

Your votes are crucial in deciding the winners, so make sure to support your favorite projects.

And don’t forget! Join us for the AMA on Wednesday, June 5th. All 10 projects will pitch their ideas live, giving you the chance to learn more about their incredible work.

Get ready to be inspired and may the best projects win!
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