The 250,000 L1X Token Creation Challenge

Create your FT or NFT on the L1X blockchain with an L1X Username and share it with your friends and network. 100,000 L1X Coins can be yours!

We are excited to announce L1X Mint and Win competition!

Do you own an L1X Username? It might be your lucky day! If not, you can jump into the L1X App and get yours Now. Why?

Owning an L1X Username, allows you to create an interoperable L1X Token and share it with the world to have the amazing opportunity to win a big prize of 100,000 L1X Coins (read more about prizes in the Winners Structure section of this Blog). But that is not all, every day is an opportunity to win L1X Coins with daily draws of 500 L1X Coins.

Choose daily between creating a Fungible Token (FT) or a Non-Fungible Token (NFT).

Once created, share it on Twitter and let the competition get started.

Information about the L1X Token Builder

The L1X App's new Token Builder feature sounds innovative! It's exciting to see advancements in token creation, especially with interoperability in mind. Here's a brief rundown of your options when creating your Token on the L1X App (only available on Desktop):

  • L1X Fungible Token (FT)
  • L1X Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

Those Tokens are minted on the L1X VM.

Get ready to build, create, and share with your friends your creations!

Who can participate?

Whether you are new to the L1X Community, have no clue about what is a Token or were just a random that found this Blog, we invite you to take a look at this tournament and participate to be able to WIN big! Anyways, what can you lose?

To qualify you need:

Winners structure (updated on 20th May 2024)

We are thrilled to see the fantastic entries and pitches in the Mint and Win competition. However, community feedback has highlighted some concerns about the competition's structure. After careful assessment, we've decided to implement changes to enhance fairness, transparency, and the overall quality of the competition.

New Competition Structure

Phase 1. Initial Voting

  • Duration: Ongoing until 31st of May 2024
  • Goal: Allow everyone to create tokens and spread the word to claim your vote.
  • Outcome: Entries that secure a basic level of backing will advance to Phase 2.

Phase 2. Voting via transaction

  • Duration: 7 days (1st of June until 7th of June)
  • Process:
    • Approximately 10 top entries from Phase 1 will move to this phase.
    • Selected entries will be assigned a unique L1X wallet address.
    • To vote, participants will send 1 L1X to the wallet they want to give their vote, with each transaction counting as one vote.
    • All transactions will be transparent and verifiable on the blockchain.
  • Outcome: The top 3 projects with the most votes will proceed to Phase 3.

Phase 3. Live Pitch Event and Random Winner

  • Date: Wednesday, 12th of June
  • Process:
    • The top 3 projects from Phase 2 will be invited to present their entries in a live event.
    • Each project will have the opportunity to pitch their creation one final time (max 10 minutes).
    • After all pitches, a brief voting window will open for the final round of voting.
    • A Twitter Poll will be set up during the Event.
  • Outcome: Winners will be determined based on the final votes and announced live on the show.


  • Transparency: Ensure clear and verifiable voting processes.
  • Fairness: Provide an even playing field for all entries.
  • Engagement: Enhance community involvement and showcase creativity.

We believe that these changes will foster a more engaging and equitable competition. Thank you for your participation and continued support.

What can you Win?

You decide who is the winner! 250,000 L1X Coins will be distributed according to the following structure:

For the three more voted L1X Tokens, on Phase 3:

  • 100,000 L1X Coins as 1st Prize
  • 75,000 L1X Coins as 2nd Prize
  • 50,000 L1X Coins as 3rd Prize

But that is not all, we are also offering additional rewards:

  • Random Winner of 25,000 L1X Coins
  • Daily 500 L1X Coin Airdrop: Every Token created and shared on Socials will also enter a daily draw to win 500 L1X Coins. Daily Winners are drawn from participants who do the activity within the previous 24-hour cycle.

How do you create your L1X Token?

  1. The first step is to own an L1X Username. This is a mandatory step, as it will act as an identifier to participate in the competition.
    1. Note that to purchase an L1X Username you can use MetaMask or Debit/Credit card.
    2. Select the XWallet destination address where your L1X Username will be located.
  2. Access the L1X App: Log into the L1X App on your desktop.
    1. Change your MetaMask Wallet to the XWallet Address that holds your L1X Usernames and select the Username of your preference.
    2. Be sure you have the latest version of the XWallet and V2 selected.
  3. Create Your L1X Token: Once your XWallet is connected and your L1X Username is selected, proceed to create your token. You can create a different L1X Token daily for each Username.
    1. For example, hold 5 L1X Usernames and create 5 Tokens daily.
  4. Choose Token Type: Decide whether you want to create a Fungible Token (FT) or a Non-Fungible Token (NFT).
  5. Share on X(Twitter): After creating your token, you will be prompted to share it on Twitter. Use the designated hashtag #L1XMint for this campaign. This step is crucial for eligibility in the L1X Mint and Win competition and to spread awareness about your token.
  6. Spread the Word: Engage your network by sharing your token creation journey with them. Invite friends, community members, followers, and anyone interested in supporting you to vote for your token. The more engagement you generate, the better your chances of winning the big prize!
For a more in detail information about how to create a Token, check out the 'Step-by-step guide to create an L1X Token'.

How do you invite people on the L1X App to vote for your L1X Token?

It is in your hands! Share your Token with all your friends and Network and invite them to vote for your Token. It will be on them to decide who are the 3 winners of 100,000, 75,000 and 50,000 L1X Coins.

The vote is restricted to ONE single vote for each XWallet Address.

How can people vote?

  1. Only ONE vote is allowed per XWallet Address.
  2. To vote, is it mandatory to have an XWallet, to connect to the L1X App.
If you don't have an XWallet, here is the detailed Blog to install your L1X Wallet on your browser. That gives you the instructions to create one step-by-step.
  1. Once you have your XWallet installed and created, access to the Airdrop page and connect your XWallet.
    1. If you are voting your friends token, access through the provided link by them. It will redirect you to the Token that you are trying to give the vote to.
  2. Search for the Token that you want to give your vote. You can access to the specific token through the link that your friend has provided. This will link directly to the Token that you are aiming to vote.
  3. Click the 'Up-vote' button.

Congratulations! You gave your vote!

Note: voting is restricted to one single vote per XWallet Address.

If you voted for your friend, but did not create a Token, what are you waiting for? Remember that you get a chance to win L1X Coins daily or be the lucky winner of the random 25,000 L1X draw.

Tracking the Winners:

Daily winners for the L1X Mint and Win competition will be trackable on the L1X App leaderboard.  The most voted ones will be always showing first, so you can always see who is leading the competition.

You can also search for your Token using the search bar, and see the total amount of votes that you received. Remember, you can get more votes by sharing your Tokens with your network, family and friends.

You can also check if you were one of the Daily winners of the L1X Bonus Airdrop Campaign here.

Winners announcement

After the L1X Mint and Win competition concludes, we'll host a Special AMA where the top 5 Tokens will be pitching their creation.

Using a Poll system on Twitter, the top 3 will be the ones rewarded according the Prize structure.

On the same day, we will be announcing the winner of the Random 25,000 L1X Coins.

How you can track your position on the Leaderboard?

  1. Access the Link:
  2. Select 'Tokens'
  3. You will be able to see the number of votes received to all your Tokens.
  4. Also, you will be able to see the most voted Tokens, always showing the first on 'Communities'.

Accessing the Daily Winners for the L1X Mint and Win competition

  1. Access the L1X App Airdrop Page.
  2. Select the L1X Mint and Win competition tab.
  3. Select the Daily Winners tab.
  4. You can also access the full list of Daily winners from any other Airdrop competition, accessing the Winners section.

Good Luck!

Additional Details:

  • The L1X Token Airdrop Tournament Starts on 4/05/2024 AWST.
  • The L1X Token Airdrop Tournament Finishes on 31/05/24 11:59PM AWST.
  • Daily L1X Coins received for winners will be airdropped and vested daily over 4 months to the recipients.
  • Top 5 Tokens will be invited to pitch their on a Live event on Wednesday 12th of June. 3 winners will be selected using a Twitter Poll, during the Live Event.
  • We will also do the draw of the random Winner of 25,000 L1X Coins on the same event.

Don't miss out on these incredible opportunities to supercharge your L1X Coin Airdrop rewards!


Q: What is a Fungible Token (FT)?

A: Fungible tokens are interchangeable and identical in value. They function like traditional currencies—each unit is the same as every other unit. Examples include cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, where each unit is equal in value and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis.

Q: What is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?

A: Non-fungible tokens are unique digital assets that cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis because each token has distinct attributes or properties. They are commonly used to represent ownership or proof of authenticity for digital or physical assets. Examples include digital artwork, collectibles, or virtual real estate.

Q: What is an L1X Username?

The L1X Web3 Username is much more than a simple online alias. It's a game-changer in the world of digital identity. Imagine having complete control over your personal information and assets online, with enhanced privacy and security. That's exactly what the L1X Web3 Username offers. It's your key to a world of possibilities, it opens doors to hosting websites and content and expanding your digital presence like never before. Read more about it.

Q: Do I need an L1X Username to create a Token?

A: Yes.

Q: I purchased a Username in the past. Do I qualify?

A: Yes

Q: I can't see my Username.

A: Do the following check out:
- Version 1.0.20 of the XWallet has to be installed. If you are having trouble, reset the version (always keep the private keys first before uninstall and install again). Also, you can reset the cache and refresh the page.
- Confirm you are using the XWallet that contains your L1XUsername, and set up the toggle on V2.
- You can check on your Wallet Profiler to verify that your Usernames appear there.
- If your usernames are on a MetaMask Wallet, import that wallet address into the XWallet. Follow the instructions here.
- If you are still having trouble, raise a ticket using the L1X App Helpdesk.

Q: How many tokens I can create daily with one single Username?

A: Only one.

Q: If I own more than one L1X Username, does it mean I can create more than one Token daily?

A: Yes. You can create one single Token daily with your L1X Username. If you own 3 L1X Usernames, you can create 3 Tokens of your preference every day.

Q: Which are the combinations that I can create with every username?

A: With each Username you can create daily one single Token of your preference.

Q: Which type of Tokens can I create?

A: Choose between creating an FT or an NFT Token.

Q: If I purchased a Username using MetaMask, how the L1X App will identify that I own a Username?

A: In that case, you must import your MetaMask address to your XWallet. Access the XConnect on the Dock. You can watch this Video for the detailed steps (end of the Blog):

Q: Will my Username will be linked to my Token?

A: No. The Username is only an identifier to be able to access the L1X Pre-Launch Airdrop. If you want to sell your Username in the future, this won't affect you.

Q: Is there any fee associated to create your token?

A: Minting your tokens will be free of cost. However, certain conditions can apply

Terms and conditions

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