L1X Pre-Launch Airdrop Campaign

In celebration of the L1X Launch on 7th of May 2024, we are excited to run another L1X Airdrop with an incredible Pool of more than +250K L1X Coins and exciting cool features coming up.

Every day you will have an amazing opportunity to be one of the daily draw winners on each Airdrop task. But that is not all!

By purchasing one L1X Node, either a Full Validator Node (FVN) or an Event Listener Node (ELN), you will be entering the Big Prize draw!
We are also adding a Gleam L1X Journey contest with a total pool of 5,000 L1X Coins!


Check out all the details below!

Starting on Friday 26th at 12:01 AM AWST:

1. Power Up with an L1X Node:

To count as an entry for the L1X Airdrop campaign, you need to purchase a Node NFT in full using MetaMask. Top-up excluded.

Event Listener Node (ELN)

Big 50,000 L1X Coin Airdrop: Purchase an Event Listener Node to be in the running to win a whopping 50,000 L1X Coin airdrop! 

Daily 1,000 L1X Coin Airdrop: Event Listener Node purchasers will also be entered into a daily draw for a chance to win 1,000 L1X Coins. Daily Winners are drawn from participants who did the activity within the previous 24 hour cycle.

Full Validator Node (FVN)

Huge 200,000 L1X Coin Airdrop: Take your participation to the next level by purchasing a Full Validator Node. This grants you entry into the draw for a massive 200,000 L1X Coin airdrop!

Daily 10,000 L1X Coin Airdrop: Full Validator Node purchasers will also enjoy daily entries into a draw to win 10,000 L1X Coins. Daily Winners are drawn from participants who did the activity within the previous 24 hour cycle.

2. Cross-Chain Swap & Win Daily!

Make a cross-chain swap using the L1X App and be automatically entered into a daily draw where 5 lucky winners each day will receive a 200 L1X Coin airdrop! Daily Winners are drawn from participants who did the activity within the previous 24 hour cycle.

There is no minimum amount to be Swapped to be qualified for the Airdrop.

3 Gleam Journey contest

As part of the L1X Launch celebration, we want you all to be part of the event, that is why we decided to create an L1X Journey contest specially for all of you to share how it has been your journey with Layer One X and how are you going to celebrate the Launch with us.

There is a total pool allocated to this contest of 5,000 L1X Coins with a guaranteed win for all participants who complete tasks according to the rules.

  1. Share all social media platforms: Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram.
  2. Share your Layer One X Story through a Blog post, an article or video.
  3. Create an infographic about Layer One X.
  4. Memorable Meme contest.
  5. Post about why you love L1X.
  6. Where you will be at L1X Coin Launch.

The coin distribution will occur after the completion of the contest, and all submissions have been verified.

Timeline: 1st May to 6th May at 11:59 PM AWST

Tracking the Winners: 

Daily winners for the L1X Airdrop Prizes will be trackable on the L1X App leaderboard.  You can also check if you were one of the Daily winners of the L1X Bonus Airdrop Campaign here.

How to track your position on the Leaderboard

  1. Access the Link: https://l1xapp.com/airdrop
  2. Insert the Wallet used to interact across the L1X App, for any of the Airdrop tasks (purchasing an FVN or ELN node or Swapping), in the search bar.
  3. Gleam contest will be track separately on the Gleam platform.

Accessing the Daily Winners for each Airdrop task.

  1. You can also access the full list of Daily winners from the Airdrop Home Screen.
  2. Select the Airdrop that you have participated in.
  3. Select the Daily Winners tab.

Good Luck!

Additional Details:

  • L1X Pre-Launch Airdrop campaign Starts on 26/04/2024 12:01 AM AWST for L1X Node and Swap tasks.
  • L1X Pre-Launch Airdrop campaign Finishes on 6/05/24 11:59 PM AWST for L1X Node and Swap tasks. Gleam Contest finishes on the same date.
  • Daily L1X Coins received for winners will be airdropped and vested daily over 4 months to the recipients.
  • Major Airdrop Winners to be Randomly Generated on a Special live event TBA.

Don't miss out on these incredible opportunities to supercharge your L1X Coin Airdrop rewards! 


General questions about the L1X Pre-Launch Airdrop

Q: When the Airdrop Starts and Ends?

A: L1X Pre-launch Airdrop will start on the 26th of April 12:01 AM AWSTfor the Tasks regarding purchasing an L1X Node and Swaps on the L1X App.

Q: When Airdrop Tasks will count as valid?

All tasks that have been done in the Airdrop period will count as valid.

Q: What is the total prize pool for the Airdrop campaign?

A: Across all Airdrop activities more than 250,000 L1X Coins have been allocated.

Q: Is there a limit on how many entries I can get an entry in to the daily and major prize pools? 

A: Each time you complete an activity that will count as an entry into the daily and major prize draws. For example, purchasing 5 Nodes will get you 5 entries.

Q: When will the L1X coins be distributed to the daily winners? 

A: Daily prize winners will get their L1X coins Airdroped in their XWallet and 4 months vested.

Q: When the large prize winners will get their L1X Coins?

A: Major prize winners will get their L1X Coins on a 3-month cliff and 24-month vesting schedule.

Q: When Daily winners will be announced?

A: These will be displayed daily on the leaderboard in the L1X App Leaderboard.

Q: Will there be any announcements or reminders leading up to the major airdrop winner announcement? 

A: The winners will be announced on a Special Live Event.

Q: From which devices I can access the L1X App?

A: L1X App is only available on Desktop.

Q: Is the Pool from the Gleam part of the L1X Pre-launch airdrop?

A: No, the Gleam contest has a separate pool allocated of 5,000 L1X Coins.

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