How to Earn a Free L1X Web3 Username and Win

Empower your data privacy with L1X Web3 Username - own, secure, and monetize your data on blockchain. Join the Layer One X revolution now!

Read how you can earn a free L1X Web3 Username to be eligible for the L1X App Bounty Airdrop Campaign!

L1X now provides you with the opportunity to earn a username to participate in the Airdrop campaign. By referring people to the L1X App so they can experience the current and upcoming groundbreaking features, you can earn your own L1X Web3 Username for free.

For every 50 people you refer, you will earn a free L1X Web3 Username and L1X App NFT and be eligible to earn amazing rewards in the L1X App Bounty Airdrop Campaign.

How do I refer?

You can get your unique referral link directly on the L1X App:

  1. Go to the "Account" screen. 
  2. Navigate to the "Portfolio" section. 
  3. Click on "Get Started” in the top right corner to get your referral link.
  4. Share with all of your friends and you will soon earn a free L1X Web3 username!

You will be able to track the number of "Active Wallets Referred" by clicking on the "Portfolio" section. An active wallet is a wallet that has completed at least 10 previous transactions across any of the chains Layer One X is connected. 

L1X App referral program interface showing how to get a free Web3 username by referring 50 people
Refer 50 friends to the L1X App and secure an L1X Web3 username for free!
L1X App referral program interface showing how to get a free Web3 username by referring 50 people
Refer 50 friends to the L1X App and secure an L1X Web3 username for free!

Tracking Your Referred Active Wallets

In the Portfolio section of the L1X App, you will be able to track your Active Wallets Referred in the top right of that section. Once you reach 50 Wallets, you will unlock a free L1X Web3 Username.  As your referrals connect their active wallet to the L1X App they will be added to the number of your Active Wallets Referred in your Portfolio screen. 

L1X App referral program interface showing how to get a free Web3 username by referring 50 people
Refer 50 friends to the L1X App and secure an L1X Web3 username for free!

Their privacy is important to us, so while you will be able to see the number of Active Wallets Referred you will not be able to see their wallet addresses. That information is their choice to share with you or not. 

Refer and Earn

Layer One X wants to reward you for life through our game-changing XPert Referral program. The program is designed so that you earn for the lifetime of the activity fees generated on the L1X App by those whom you refer.

L1X App referral program interface showing how to get a free Web3 username by referring 50 people
Refer 50 friends to the L1X App and secure an L1X Web3 username for free!

Recurring Bonus: Refer your audience to use L1X App and start earning a lifetime 10% rewards of their activity fees generated on the L1X App.

What are you waiting for?

Grab your L1X App referral link now. Join the L1X App Bounty Airdrop Campaign to earn amazing rewards, with so many additional benefits on top. Experience the future of Web3 today on the L1X App.

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