Welcome to Layer One X Community: Your Gateway to a World of Crypto Opportunities

Welcome to the Layer One X community, where the crypto revolution comes to life!

We are thrilled to have you on board as a new member of our vibrant and dynamic community. In this article, we will introduce you to all the exciting things you can do as a member of Layer One X, including our regular events and activities that make our community thrive.

Getting to know Layer One X:

Jumping into the cryptocurrency world can be confusing. We want to make your journey as seamless as possible to not only use the Layer One X platform but also understand how things in the ecosystem work.

Getting Started:

  • Check out our L1X Foundation WIKI with the most updated information and ultimate guides to navigate through the L1X ecosystem:
Getting Started | L1X Foundation

Do you want more Tech? Jump into the L1X Deep Dive Series with Kevin Coutinho and experts on the field:

Additional Blogs that can be useful:

Join our XTalks episodes and get into amazing conversations about interoperability with exciting guests:

Xtalk Series AMA | Layer One X
Join us for an exciting XTalks Series AMA. We dive into web3, showcasing interoperability. Join our discussion on trends, projects, and crypto blockchain tech.

Explore the L1X App

The L1X App is your ultimate gateway to the Web3 world. It's a one-stop hub where you truly own and control your data. With the L1X App, you hold the key to your digital identity, keeping it secure and in your hands. It's more than just an app; it's a vibrant community of verified L1X users.

Connect, interact, and engage with others in this unified platform, all while ensuring your digital autonomy. The L1X App is where convenience meets security, empowering you to navigate the Web3 space with confidence and ease. Welcome to the future of digital interaction – decentralized, secure, and user-centric.

Joining Our Discord/telegram

One of the leading spaces for Web3 Projects to host their community including chat, general announcements, Live session with the Layer One X team as well as assistance and instruction for new and returning members of the community. In short it’s the central hub of communication for the Layer One X community.

The best way to stay up to date with the advancements of Layer One X is to be part of the discord community. It doesn’t just stop at announcements, regularly we will host community events for our people to jump into including live sessions, games such as poker, quizzes, competitions and more. Please see below for some regular events in the Layer One X Ecosystem.

What's on our community channels?

1. Discord Live X (Normally on Thursdays)

Thursdays are reserved for Discord Live X, an interactive event where we dive deep into specific subjects. Join us for live discussions, Q&A sessions, and engaging conversations with community and experts from the team. It's a great opportunity to enhance your protocol understanding and engage in real-time conversations with our community.

2. Gleam, Zealy, Quiz Campaigns (Regular Frequency)

We keep the excitement rolling with a range of campaigns that happen regularly. From Gleam giveaways to Zealy challenges and thought-provoking quizzes, there's always something interesting happening at Layer One X. These campaigns not only offer fun but also rewards for activity and contribution.

Turn Referrals into Rewards with L1X!

Not only can you earn a free L1X Web3 Username by referring friends to the L1X App, but you also have the chance to be a part of our exclusive XPert Program. Every referral brings you closer to amazing rewards and deepens your involvement in the cutting-edge world of Web3.

It's more than just sharing a link; it's about building a community and reaping the benefits together. Start referring today and watch as every friend you bring into the L1X fold enhances your journey in blockchain innovation.

Join us, refer, and earn - your path to becoming part of L1X awaits!

Also, for every 50 referred friends, you will get a free Username.

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