At present, L1X can only be traded at the spot against USDT. You can add USDT to your BitMart accounts in two ways.
1. Buying USDT on BitMart
2. Transferring your USDT funds from your Wallet/Exchange to BitMart
Guide on Buying USDT with FIAT money on BitMart
Step 1.
The L1X Protocol, is an innovative project that aims to revolutionize the way users transact Cross-chain. This is where the L1X Protocol steps in, offering a solution that is both unique and innovative.
So, what exactly is the L1X Protocol? At its core, L1X Protocol is a smart contract platform
Welcome to the L1X Ecosystem Grant Pool (EGP) Harness the power of building on L1X Core and implementing cross-chain integration, as we unite to redefine the future of blockchain technology.