Elevate Your Earnings: The Revolutionary XPert Referral Program for Web3 Enthusiasts

Dive into the future of Web3 affiliate marketing with the XPert Referral Program by L1X App. Discover how influencers and affiliates can supercharge their earnings through our innovative platform.

Are you ready to revolutionize your earnings in the Web3 space? Wondering how to leverage your influencer or networker skills for maximum profit? Discover the XPert referral program by L1X App – your gateway to unparalleled monetization opportunities in the dynamic world of Web3.

Dive into the future of affiliate marketing! Join the XPert Program now and be at the forefront of the Web3 revolution. Don't just watch the future unfold, be a part of it. Start monetizing like never before – Join us and make Web3 accessible to all!

In this Blog, we’ll explore how you can earn through L1X App's XPert referral Program.

Understanding the earning potential

Before we dive into the details, let’s first understand what the XPert Referral program is and what it has to offer.

What is the XPert referral program?

The XPert program is an innovative platform for influencers, affiliates and content creators to harness the Web3 market, valued at over $250 billion. By referring users to L1Xapp, you not only contribute to the growth of this dynamic industry, but also earn significant rewards from the activities of your referrals.

Key features:

  • Massive Market Opportunity: Tap into a multi-billion dollar industry with the potential to grow exponentially.
  • Lifelong Earnings: Earn a continuous 10% - 35% commission on the transaction fees generated by your referrals on L1X App.
  • Cost and Speed Advantage: L1X App offers up to 70% cost savings and 15x faster transactions compared to competitors, enhancing your referrals' experience.

Introducing the XWidget

Enhance your website with the XWidget, a powerful tool that allows you to earn 20% revenue from transactions completed through it. Plus, if you refer someone to install the XWidget, you'll earn an additional 10% from their users' activities.

5 ways to earn with XPert referral program

Let’s take a closer look at the key components of the XPert referral program.

  • Recurring Bonus: Refer your audience to use L1X App and start earning a lifetime 10% rewards of their activity fees generated on the L1X App.
  • Earn with XWidget: Install the XWidget on your website and earn 20% of the base transaction fees from any transactions completed through the XWidget on your website.
  • Earn by referring the XWidget - If you refer someone else to install the XWidget on their website, you will earn 10% of the base transaction fees generated by users of that Widget.
  • Launchpad Promotion: earn by promoting projects on the L1X Launchpad.

Maximizing earnings with XPert Referral Program

The true beauty of this program is the opportunity for lifelong earnings. As your referred users continue to engage with L1X App you'll continue to earn rewards in the form of L1X Coins, securing a bright financial future.

Earn for every transaction your referred users perform, and at the same time you offer them a safer, faster and cheaper cross-chain solution.  You will earn 10% of the revenue generated by your referred users on the L1X App for the lifetime of their activity, and 5% will be for your referrer. 

By incentivizing your user base to join the L1X App and/or install the XWidget, you are onboarding users to a new era in the Web3 revolution with a more cost-effective, seamless and personalized experience.

Join the XPert referral program today!

The XPert referral program open doors to a world of opportunities. As an influencer or affiliate, you have the chance to not only maximize your earnings but also make Web3 accessible to a wider audience. Take the leap, join the program, and lead the way in bringing the next billion users into the world of Web3.

Join the XPert referral program today and redefine the future of Web3!

Frequent Asked Questions

Q: What is the XPert Referral Program?

A: The XPert Influencer and Referral program allows you to get more followers, retain and engage your existing followers, differentiate your brand from the others and earn a performance bonus of 10-35% lifetime recurring base fee for every user.

Q: Who can join the XPert Referral Program?

A: Anyone who has the will.

Q: How does the XPert Referral Program work?

    • Once you connect your wallet; navigate to the Account and to the Space Cards Screen and select the Referral Card.
    • Use these links to promote L1X App and when someone successfully uses the link to perform fee generating activities you will be able to see your referral bonus in the Portfolio Screen.

Q: Which are the benefits of joining the XPert Referral Program?

A: Joining the XPert Referral Program has a long list of benefits:

  • Get more followers
  • Retain and Reward Existing Followers
  • Take First-Mover Advantage and Differentiate Yourself From Other Influencers
  • With Your Personalised Influencer Space Card; your Influential Growth Strategies can be put on auto-pilot. L1X App allows you to build your Influential Portal with benefits that directly target your pain points.
  • Aggregate all your followers in one space and reward them in a tier-based structure with your personalised NFT Badge.
  • Get Access to a List on the Influential Page that is visited by tons of users.
  • Every time you promote an application or project on L1X App; you make a Lifetime Recurring 10-35% Referral Bonus of User Fees.
  • Get access to Verified users who are already present on the L1X App.
  • Stream and engage with all your followers and new visitors from one space. Imagine Streaming and getting Followers on multiple social platforms while rewarding them and sponsoring a product from ONE SPACE.
  • Invite Users that match your content and sponsored ads.
  • Advertisers, Launchpads and Projects on L1X App are always looking for Influential people like you. Get access to influential projects.
  • With the user's permission; you can get access to aggregated user data that you can measure and track your performance. Share a part of the Advertising Revenue with the user and make them feel special.
  • Get access to Launchpad projects that are here to make a difference. Work your way to stream launches exclusively. Project communities are now your community.

Q: Is there a cost to join the XPert Referral Program?

A: How do you measure the cost of not doing something? It's free!

Q: How are the earnings calculated in the XPert Referral Program?

    • 10% for Referring Users
    • 5% to Refer other Referrals/Users who Refer someone else.

Q: How can I join the XPert Referral Program?

A: Just connect your wallet.

Ready to embark on this exciting journey? Access the L1X App, Connect your Wallet and your referral Link will be generated automatically!

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